Prospects Mill was built in 1884 and is located in Wilsden near Bradford.
Brian O’Connell is an Antiques dealer and furniture restorer who had been searching for a mill, in which to base his business. A self-contained 8,000 sq. ft building in Prospects Mill courtyard became available and Brian took on the lease in 2021. With the help of friends and future tenants Jack Leach, Field House and Snooty Fox Antiques, a basic restoration of the building was undertaken. Works included rewiring, tanking the walls, adding additional supporting joists and installing new light fittings. Old Mill Antiques was opened in 2022 with a show rooms dedicated to Park Antiques, Woodworks, Snooty Fox and Field House Antiques. The mill is also home to a furniture restoration workshop and storage facilities while future plans include the creation of a café, workshop units and ongoing building refurbishment works.
The main mill building has planning consent for a residential conversion.

Brian O'Connell